With a population of nearly 1,400 students, Fontbonne是一所心胸宽广的小型大学,在全国享有盛誉. Inspired by our founders, the Sisters of St. Carondelet的Joseph,我们的课程建立在为有需要的社区服务的承诺上. Today, our programs in deaf education, 特殊教育和语言病理学一直在全国名列前茅. But regardless of your major or chosen profession, 你在芳邦获得的道德和学术基础将为你和我们的社区未来服务.
Founded in 1923, Fontbonne拥抱我们的创始人建立的使命和价值观, 向所有人敞开大门和心扉,鼓励开放的沟通和服务承诺. Located in Clayton, Mo., a suburb in the heart of the vibrant St. Louis metropolitan area, Fontbonne students, 教职员工经常可以在社区中找到, “serving a world in need.”
Fontbonne’s rigorous academic programs, 受人尊敬的教师和迷人的校园文化吸引了来自美国和世界各地的学生. Students can choose from more than 100 areas of study. We offer both undergraduate and graduate degrees, as well as numerous minors, certificates and concentrations, 在营养学、美术、网络安全和生物信息学等广泛领域.
Fontbonne教师对教学充满热情,并致力于接触每一位学生. 教授根据学生的需要创建课程, including both theory and practical, real-world applications. 10:1的师生比例让教授既是导师,也是导师. 有这样的领导和个人的关注, Fontbonne的毕业生毕业时已经准备好了谋生所需的知识,并过上了有意义的生活.
At Fontbonne University, Soar Higher isn’t an empty phrase. It’s a calling—to dig deeper. To reach farther. To become the person you’ve always known you could be.
Go ahead. Set ambitious goals. Dream big, colorful dreams. 我们将帮助您发展知识,技能和信心,把它们带到生活中.